<aside> 💡 這是 ISCN 搖滾祭 公開徵求內容元資料註冊暨策展行動專用的提案書。提案人請填寫基本資料並依 4W1H 規格說明你的計畫。 This is an application form specifically for the ISCN Rock n Roll campaign to call for proposals on ISCN related content curation & metadata registration. Please fill in basic information and then elaborate your plan following the 4W1H instruction provided.


內容主題/選集名稱|Name of Topic / Collection

敏感性聲明|Statement of Sensitivity

申請人資訊|Applicant Info

What & Why

<aside> ▫️ 請說明你打算註冊 ISCN 的內容是什麼?(包括主題、數量、特色/價值、……等等) What are the contents you would like to register with ISCN? And why do you want to do this?



<aside> ▫️ 這些內容的原始創作者是誰? Who is/are the original creator(s) of these content?
